Thursday, 28 July 2011

Testlink Automated Tests

Looking at how to define automated test cases within the TestLink tool this morning so I installed v1.9.3 painlessly. As per chapter 4 of the Jenkins TestLink Plug-in: The Definitive Guide the trick is to define and assign a 'Custom Field' to record the java class name or testng suite. Since we're not using jenkins I'll probally follow the basic steps and use to pull the details from Testlink within my bamboo build.

In the testlink/ update the following settings to enable the API and enable test automation

/** XML-RPC API availability (disabled by default) */
$tlCfg->api->enabled = TRUE;

/* [Test Executions] */
// ENABLED -> enable XML-RPC calls to external test automation server new buttons will be displayed on execution pages
// DISABLED -> disable
$tlCfg->exec_cfg->enable_test_automation = ENABLED;

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